The Witness - Friday, 3 May 1917
LEINSTER--ALLISON -- April 24 at Kilbride Presbyterian Church, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. William Corkey and Rev. R. J. Whan, Rev. Edward Carleton Leinster, Tullyallen, Co. Armagh, to Florence Margaret, daughter of Rev R. Allison, Kilbride. At home, Tullyallen Manse, May 29th and 30th.
MACONACHIE--SMYTH -- April 25, at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, by Rev. W. Corkey. M.A., assisted by Revs. D. H. Maconachie, B.D., and J. Maconachie, B.D. (brothers of the bridegroom), and Rev. W. J. Jamison. B.A., Rasharkin, Rev. Jas. Maconachie, B.A., Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to Annie Louisa, daughter of the late Thomas Smyth, Hazelview, Rasharkin, and Mrs. Smyth, 2, Mount Easton, Cliftonville, Belfast.
HOGG -- May 1, at 120, Cliftonpark Avenue, Belfast, James Hogg (J. Hogg, Sons, & Co., Ltd., York Street). Funeral this day (Friday), at two o'clock p.m., for Castlereagh.
ANDERSON -- April 27, at Ballymenoch, Holywood, Isabella, relict of the late Samuel Anderson.
BRIGGS -- April 29, at her brother's residence, Ballymacoss, Lisburn, Mary Ann Briggs.
BROWNE -- April 30, at 477, Ormeau Road, Belfast, Agnes, relict of the late Andrew Browne.
CAMPBELL -- April 26, at a Private Nursing Home, Belfast, Nathaniel Alexander Campbell, late of Southport, and formerly of Mount Prospect, Belfast, in his 80th year.
CLARK -- April 26, at Deneight, Lisburn, Jane, the beloved wife of John Clark.
CURRY -- April 27, at 2, Sandymead, Longstone, Lisburn, Arthur, dearly-beloved husband of Elizabeth Curry.
DOUGLAS -- April 25, suddenly, at Marine Villa, Newcastle, Co. Down, Rachel, the dearly-beloved wife of George Douglas.
EASTON -- April 27, at Blackhall Street, Kirkcubbin, Jane Easton.
GALWAY -- April 29, at Ballyaughlis P.O., Henry Galway.
HAMILTON -- April 27. at Lower Broughshane, Ballymena, Alexander Hamilton.
IRWIN -- April 25, at Aghareany, Donaghmore, Henry Irwin.
KNOWLES -- April 25, at the residence of his son-in-law, Johnston Dunseath, Sernacushog, Glarryford, George Knowles, formerly of Kildowney, Glarryford.
LORD -- April 28, at her parents' residence, "The Villas," Mossley, Irene Mabel, dearly-beloved infant daughter of William and Annie Lord.
MacCORMAC -- April 28, at The Old House, Banbridge, Co. Down, William MacCormac, aged 76.
MUCKLE -- April 26, at Ballymullan, Kirkcubbin, Mary Jane, beloved wife of John Muckle.
M'WILLIAMS -- April 28, 1918, Sarah, widow of the late Robert M'Williams, Knocknagoney, Holywood.
NELSON -- April 28, at Ardlanragh, Glenavy, Sarah, daughter of the late John Nelson, Fruitvale, Crumlin.
PATTERSON -- April 25, at Seagorry House, Aghadowey, Margaret, relict of the late R. J. Patterson.
PURDON -- April 26, at 70, North Circular Road, Dublin, John, eldest surviving son of the late T. H. Purdon, Esq., M.D., Wellington Place, Belfast.
RAMSEY -- April 22, at Panchgani, India, William John, eldest son of the late Thomas and Susan Ramsey, of Cornamuckle, Dungannon.
ROBINSON -- April 26, at Derrymain House, Coalisland, Mary, widow of the late John Burleigh Robinson.
ROBINSON -- April 27, at Grove Cottage, Dunmurry, David Robinson.
SMYTH -- April 25, at Lake View House, Ballinderry, Elizabeth Annie (Lizzie), dearly-beloved daughter of James and Annie Smyth.
The County Derry Agricultural Committee have passed a resolution strongly urging the Ministry of Food to establish a potato and flake plant in Coleraine.
The Italian Chamber has adopted a Bill granting the franchise to all citizens who have served in the army, including those below the age of twenty-one.
The Coalition candidate, Somerville, defeated the Peace by Negotiation candidate, Bland, by 4,873 votes to 2,349 -- majority, 2,524 -- at the Keighley bye-election.
In the House of Commons, Mr. Macpherson, answering Mr. France, who asked the total number of men returned from the army to shipyards and marine engine works, replied approximately 6,000.
The death has occurred of Mr. Henry Moore, of Burn Butts, Driffield, one of the most notable breeders of hackneys. He sold a number of horses to King Edward, and won many championships.
A leading authority on Siberia, who has had twenty years' experience of the country, says (according to "Reynolds's Newspaper"), that if the Germans are permitted to occupy it the war will last for ten years.
The sale of sweets is, by a new Order, restricted to shopkeepers mainly dependent on it for their livelihood, and to small traders, and all dealers in sweets must accordingly apply for registration by May 31.
The police have found in a pond at Cullybackey the damaged remains of four statues which were removed from Cullybackey Catholic Church. The perpetrators of the outrage entered the church by means of a key.
The total number of casualties of the American Expeditionary Forces in France went up to 4,027 on Friday, when the War Department announced that forty-nine additional casualties had been reported by Gen. Pershing.
The differences between the Belfast Harbour Board and the Holywood authorities in regard to the Bill promoted by the former body has now been satisfactorily adjusted. The Holywood petition against the measure -- the only one standing -- has accordingly been withdrawn.
A Reuter's telegram from Melbourne says -- In the House of Representatives a petition was presented, signed by 43,000 Melbourne citizens, against Sinn Fein and other disloyal demonstrations. The opposition interjected hostile remarks during the reading of the petition.
The I.F.C.C. state that offenders will be punished in the event of further hoarding of eggs by poultry-keepers and local traders, whose unwarranted delay in marketing is blamed for the fact that over 4,000 dozen eggs within ten weeks, mainly from North-West Ireland, were found unfit for consumption.
In the presence of a large congregation at the Garrison Church, Woolwich, General Sir William Robertson unveiled a memorial pillar in memory of the heroic deeds of the first seven Divisions, and the banners of the Royal Horse Artillery, the Royal Artillery, the Army Service Corps, and the Army Ordnance Corps of all the Divisions.
The Statistics and Intelligence Branch of the Department of Agriculture reports that the total number of pigs killed or bought dead by Irish bacon curers in the week ending 25th inst. was 13,405, and the number exported from Ireland 6,860. The numbers in the corresponding week last year were 19,438 and 3,776 respectively.
The American liner St. Paul, while coming from dry dock, where she had been overhauled, to the pier at an Atlantic port, overturned. Whether the vessel's seacocks were left open or ballast shifted has not yet been determined. There were 500 workmen on board, but it is believed that with the exception of two or three all escaped.
Mr. Asquith, presiding at the annual meeting of the National Lifeboat Institution, said that, owing to the war having caused a withdrawal of the younger men of the crews on all lifeboats, the average age of the crews now well over fifty. There have been pressed into the service motor boats, to be used as auxiliaries in life-saving.
A cargo vessel, 145 metres in length, with a total displacement of 19,000 tons, and a carrying capacity of 12,500, tons, has just been launched at Dunkirk successfully. She is the biggest vessel in the French merchant service. The Germans had endeavoured in every way, in vain, to stop the work notably by means of bombardment by long-range gun and by air raids.
Describing how he gave a quart of blood for the sake of a comrade, Seaman R. Anderson, of the Naval Division, says in a letter to his parents -- "Major Walker called for volunteers. Yours truly answered 'Of course.' I'm a bit weak now in bed but the doctor assures me I have saved the other man's life. He has a bit of colour in his cheeks now, so I'm glad."
During the hearing of a case at the Hull Tribunal Mr. Payne, solicitor, stated that within the past fortnight fish worth £16,000 had had to be sent to manure works because there was not a sufficient staff to cure it. Captain Chapman said he had been told that if the fish did not fetch a certain price it was sent to the manure heap. Mr. Payne denied that that was the reason.
Mr. Bonar Law, in reply to Major Newman in Parliament, said the amount contributed by Ireland to the Customs revenue in 1917-18 was provisionally estimated at £6,680,000. The National Debt on March 31 last was £5,850,000,000, approximately and l-25th of this (or Ireland's share) would be £234,000,000, 5½ per cent, on which was £12,870,000, the annual debt charge in respect of interest and sinking fund.
Mr. Duke, in reply to General M'Calmont, states that there are three alien enemies and three naturalised Germans, living on the Antrim coast. Two of the former are old ladies over seventy, who were visiting their sons-in-law when the war broke out, and the other is the Irish wife of a Czech serving in the British army. There was no evidence of local resentment towards them.
At the annual meeting of the North Down Unionist Association, a resolution was passed favouring conscription for Ireland, and expressing hope that it will be applied firmly and impartially to all parts of the country. On the motion of Rev. Dr. Wright, seconded by Mr. H. C. Montgomery, a motion was adopted cordially thanking Colonel R. G. Sharman-Crawford, D.L., M.P., for his valuable services as chairman of the association.
The infant son of Sir Douglas Haig and Lady Haig was baptised in an improvised chapel in the children's schoolroom at Eastcott, Kingston Hill. The boy was given the name of George Alexander Eugene Douglas. The chief godfathers were the King and Sir Eric Geddes, and the chief godmother Queen Alexandra and the ex-Empress Eugenie. The ceremony was performed by Major-General the Rev. John M. Simms, principal chaplain to the British Army in France.
An English airman, whose engine burst into flame at a height of 12,000 feet over enemy lines, states that he dived at the rate of 150 miles an hour to 8,000 feet, when the observer reached for the fire extinguisher, and was able to keep the flames at bay until they had reached about 1,000 feet. When the machine was about to touch the ground it "pancaked," and the observer was thrown out and rendered unconscious, but escaped with shock. The pilot sustained severe burns to feet and legs.
Lord William Cecil, Bishop of Exeter, preaching before the University of Cambridge, suggested as one remedy for their empty churches that they should open their ministry to the working classes. The learning of their clergy should be more real than at the present time, and the ranks of the ministry ought to be open to all classes. He appealed to the universities to give their assistance by cheapening education and leaving behind extravagant habits. The universities must make a new start after the war, and make room for the humbler people.
At a meeting of the County Antrim Committee of Agriculture, the secretary reported that since the mare shows had been held he had received a letter from the Department stating that a special grant of £434 was placed at the disposal of the committee for the purpose of providing 217 extra nominations, and these, with the 245 already offered and the number provided by entry fees, made a total of 477 nominations for the county -- the largest number that had ever been offered in the county in any one year, so that practically every mare on the reserved list at the various centres would now get a nomination. The committee suggested to the Department that in the future premiums should be awarded to Holstein bulls, and that the premium for egg distribution stations (hen and duck) should be increased to £6.
The "Echo de Paris" states that during his a visit to the front M. Clemenceau had a satisfactory conference with Lord Milner.
Rev. E. N. Ruttle, M.A., Ballynafeigh, has been appointed rector, Jordanstown, in succession to Rev. W. H. Bradley, recently instituted to Coleraine.
Lord Rothermore has resigned the office of Secretary of State of the Air Force owing to ill-health, and Sir William Weir has been appointed his successor.
Bernard Friel, a young Irishman, was sentenced to three years' penal servitude at Glasgow High Court for attempting to carry explosives to Ireland without a permit.
Captain W. Archer Redmond, M.P., son of the late Irish leader, has been appointed to a post on the Intelligence Staff of Field-Marshal Viscount French, Commanding-in-Chief the Home Forces.
At Orlands, near Carrickfergus, an English officer, whose name is stated to be Lieutenant Stuart, was killed by the premature explosion of a bomb, while a number of soldiers were at bombing practice.
A Calcutta telegram says -- The special wheat forecast shows an increase of a per cent, in area and of 3½ per cent, in yield, as compared with last year. The imports and exports show a decrease.
It was stated at the Belfast Corporation meeting that the revenue derivable from the proposed increased electric current to be supplied to the shipyards would be about £70,000 a year up to the end of the first year of peace.
Anzac Day was celebrated in all the Australian States. The Governor of the Commonwealth, referring to the success of the War Loan, says up to the present the Australian people have lent 147 million pounds for war purposes.
Belfast Corporation has decided to close down the tramway services an hour earlier each evening, to reduce traffic on six routes to a twenty-minutes' service, and to suspend the service entirely on six routes on Sundays. The curtailment, it was stated, will save forty tons of coal a week.
Out of thirty-four men from the Belfast City Surveyor's Department who joined the colours, six have been killed, five wounded and discharged, four wounded, some of them twice; and two discharged through illness. Of honours of war there have been two M.C.'s, one M.S.M., and one mention in despatches.
Franz Bopp, ex-German Consul; Ehrhardt Vanschaack, ex-Vice-Consul; and Baron von Brincken, ex-Military Attache, were each sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and a fine of 10,000 dollars, in San Francisco, for conspiracy to foment an uprising in India. Twenty-six others were sentenced to shorter terms.
The Congregational Union of Scotland, in Glasgow, adopted a resolution to petition the Government to place on board every hospital and merchant ship at least five interned Germans of high financial standing, and that in the event of these ships being torpedoed or mined the Germans should be the last to be taken off.
During the year 1917, states a White Paper, the total number of emigrants who embarked at Irish ports with the intention of settling permanently elsewhere was 2,129 (of which 862 were males and 1,277 females). This total showed a decrease of 5,191 compared with the preceding year, and constitutes a record for the country.
The Food Controller announces that owing to the increased duty on sugar the maximum prices of jam and marmalade have been advanced a penny per pound. The actual charges borne by manufacturers being slightly less than a penny per pound, manufacturers will be required to pay the Ministry of Food the extra profit.
The. I.F.C.C.'s Order fixing the maximum retail price for tea in Ireland at 2s 8d per lb. came into force on Wednesday. It is believed that there is a sufficiency of tea in the United Kingdom to carry the trade into August, and after that supplies of the new Indian crop will be available. There are fair supplies in the retail shops, and prospects for the future are reasonably bright.
While Mr. E. Nugent, J.P., farmer and auctioneer, Forkhill, South Armagh, was driving from Dundalk, he was struck off the arm and face by pellets fired from a gun from a bridge. The police have found a gun hidden near the place. Mr. Nugent, who was not seriously injured, has been subjected to annoyance in connection with a farm he purchased some years ago, and recently obtained compensation for injuries to animals.
A mine washed up at Bridlington (Devon) caused much damage to house property when it exploded against a wall. Houses along the sea front were partially wrecked, hundreds of windows being shattered, ceilings brought down, and doors smashed, while the damage extended 600 yards from the foreshore, and sea water was thrown over the housetops for 300 yards. There is not enough glass in the town to replace a tenth of that demolished.
Judge Craig, opening the Belfast Recorder's Court, referred to English Press reports stating that in disturbances in that city following an anti-conscription meeting and a counter-demonstration there was damage done to the extent of £200,000. That, he said, was "a gross, malicious, calculated lie" with intent to throw dirt on that city. He had inquired, and was informed on the best authority, that the total claims lodged for injuries in respect of that damage amounted to £500.
The report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the position of modern languages in the educational system of Great Britain has been issued as a White Paper. The Committee recommend that modern languages be energetically fostered by all public and local authorities concerned with education, that means be taken to bring the business world into closer touch with education, that neither Greek nor Latin be compulsory for an arts degree in any of our universities, that an institution be established in London for the intensive study of the languages most important in the district.
At a meeting of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Professor C. H. Oldham analysed the changes in the exports of Ireland during the years 1904-15. Agricultural production, he said, had not benefited from the influence of the war quite so much as production from Irish industries. Irish crops generally made a poor show among exports, as they were mostly consumed at home. The result of his investigations had been to show that Irish manufactured products are more efficiently produced than Irish agricultural products, and are making greater headway. Both branches, however, made remarkable progress in the period.
Railway facilities this summer are to be reduced to about one-third of what they were in 1914, the restrictions being about 20 per cent more severe than last year. A new D.O.R.A. regulation enables railway companies to refuse to carry passengers and to give priority to others. Powers are given to limit the issue of season and return tickets or to refuse to accept goods for carriage where other means of transport exist. Increased charges for carrying merchandise between Great Britain and Ireland are authorised from May 6 as follows -- On goods and minerals, 7s 6d per ton; on horses, mules, and other beasts of burden, 7s 6d per head.
The death in a nursing home in Belfast is announced, in his eightieth year, of Mr. N. A. Campbell, formerly well known in local commercial circles, and for several years in the "seventies" a member of the Belfast Town Council. Mr. Campbell came of a family several members of which were ministers of the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and it is interesting to note that the ministry of Templepatrick was in this family uninterruptedly for upwards of 100 years. Two of the most distinguished surgeons in the North of Ireland -- Mr. John Campbell. F.R.C.S., Eng., and Mr. Robert Campbell, F.R.C.S., Eng. -- are nephews of the deceased.
Death of Mrs. S. C. Davidson.
The death took place on Tuesday evening, with painful suddenness, of Mrs. S. C. Davidson, wife of the founder and managing director or Davidson &. Co., Ltd., Sirocco Works, Belfast, and Seacourt, Bangor. Mrs. Davidson's health was severely affected by the loss of of her only son Captain J, S. Davidson, of the Ulster Division, who fell on the glorious 1st July, 1916, but she continued her activities in war work and local benevolent effort. She had just returned from a visit to Belfast when she collapsed in her house, and passed away in a few minutes. The funeral took place yesterday to the City Cemetery, Belfast. The chief mourners were -- Messrs. S. C. Davidson (husband), F. G. MaGuire (son-in-law), James Davidson (brother), and W. W. Coleman (brother-in-law). The religious service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Watkins (Mountpottinger Unitarian Church). Messrs. Melville & Co. Ltd., were entrusted with the funeral arrangements.
Tribute to Late Lieut. J. W. Cordner, M.C.
On Sabbath Rev. J. W. Gamble, M.A., conducted an impressive service in the United Free Church, Dublin Road, Lisburn, in memory of the late Lieut. J. W. Cordner, M.C., Royal Irish Rifles, a former minister, who fell in battle a few days ago. There was a large congregation, and in token of sympathy there was no service held in Sloan Street Presbyterian Church. In the course of his address Rev. Mr. Gamble said -- When the call came for volunteers to serve their country in the present war James Cordner heard it, and prepared himself to obey it. There was no conscription in those days, and none was needed for men like him. He was a true patriot, he feared God, and honoured the King. He was doing a good work in this congregation, and had no reason except for a sense of public duty to abandon it. Like many more of our brave, loyal, patriotic Ulster youths, James Cordner made the supreme sacrifice. I had the privilege of the friendship of the late Lieut. Cordner, and also have the privilege of the friendship of his esteemed brothers of Drumbo, to whom, with their venerable father and other members of the family, our sincerest sympathies go out in the hour of their sad bereavement. The life of our departed worthy was short. He was brought up under the ministry of the late Rev. John Hutchinson, in the small remote congregation of Bellville, a few miles from Lurgan, in which his father was a ruling elder. The Rev. John Pollock, of St. Enoch's, Belfast, having arranged to pay a visit to America, engaged him to take charge of the congregation in his absence, which he did with great acceptance during the year 1913-14. Shortly after Mr. Pollock's return he took up work in this (U.F.) Church, until he joined the army in June, 1915. Lieut. Cordner won the recognition of his earthly Sovereign, and was thought worthy to be called into his presence to receive the Royal honour at the King's hand. But a greater honour than that awaited him. The Heavenly King, whom he also served, called him up higher, and with His own hand has crowned him with eternal life. He now rests from his labours and his works follow him.
Rev. David Woodside, of Woodlands United Free Church, Glasgow, has received intimation of the death from wounds of his youngest son, Second-Lieutenant Archibald Mitchell Woodside. Highland Light Infantry. Lieutenant Woodside is the third of Mr. Woodside's sons who have fallen in the war.
Some ingenious workman in Petrograd more than 175 years ago carved six cannon out of blocks of ice, turned them in lathes, and bored them for 6in. shells. And they actually fired salutes from them. The ice was sufficiently strong to withstand the explosion of nearly 2,000 grains of real gunpowder.
Isinglass is made from the sounds or swimming bladders of fish. One ton of hake, says the "Popular Science Monthly," will yield from forty to fifty pounds of sounds. These are dried, soaked, cut in pieces, rolled into sheets and cut into ribbons. The ribbons are dried and wound on wooden spools. It is used for making cement for mending glass and pottery and for adhesive plaster, and enters into the manufacture of many textiles and waterproof fabrics.
According to the Surgeon-General of the Navy, "a certain proportion of recruits are never seasick even at the outset of their career, but a large proportion of them do suffer from this affliction for a few days when first going to sea." While most of the men "acquire the sea habit," there are a few in whom the discomfort from seasickness is so extreme as to preclude the performance of duty after prolonged cruising. These cases have to be discharged. The number of discharges for this disability averages seven or eight a year.
The singing of telegraph wires is sometimes regarded as a weather prognostic, though opinions differ as to the kind of weather it foretells. There has been much discussion as to the cause of this sound. Probably it is simply the Æolian harp effect, and its occurrence depends chiefly upon the direction of the wind in relation to the direction in which the wires run. Variations in the pitch of the sound depend upon changes in the tension of the wires with varying temperature.
Letters from home found on German prisoners of war complain bitterly of the high price and shortage of various kinds of food. "Going short" is a thing the average German is not by any means prepared for. He likes good, solid meals, and he likes them often. English meals, even in the time of Handel, the composer, seemed to Germans very inadequate. It was Handel, the composer, who ordered dinner for three at a tavern in London, and when asked if the company would soon arrive, replied, "I am de gombany!"
An electrically lighted pencil is a novelty recently patented by Martin A. Altman, of Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, O. The tiny electric bulb positioned near the pencil point is protected by a small cap, which also serves as a reflector to throw the light on the line of writing. A pencil of this type can be used without difficulty or danger in the trenches at night. The bulb can be removed and screwed into the other end of the pencil for use as a small searchlight if desired. A tiny battery in the body of the pencil supplies enough current for the bulb.
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The Witness - Friday, 10 May 1918
MILLING--BELL -- April 25, at Dunluce Presbyterian Church, by Rev. John Irwin, M.A., D.D., Moderator of the General Assembly, Thomas Milling, M.B., only son of the late Rev. R. G. Milling, B.D., and Mrs. Milling, Ballynahinch, to Mary Wallace, only daughter of Rev. John and Mrs. Bell, Bushmills.
WADDELL -- May 8, at 12, Orient Gardens, Lyons Waddell, son of the late Rev. Hugh Waddell, Glenarm. His remains will be removed from his late residence to-morrow (Saturday), at ten o'clock, to the family burying-ground, Glascar. Funeral private. No flowers.
CUNNINGHAM -- May 3, at the residence of her niece, 145, Antrim Road, Matilda Cunningham, late of Cedar Avenue, Belfast, and of Cappagh, Portstewart.
HULL -- May 4, at Collinwell, Dunmurry, Wm. Hull, eldest and beloved son of Mary Hull and the late John Hull.
KERR -- May 5, at her daughter's residence, Crumlin, Letitia, wife of the late John Kerr, Lisnalee, Bailieborough.
KIRKPATRICK -- May 5, at Broan, Killykergan, Garvagh, Martha Jane, dearly-beloved wife of Samuel Kirkpatrick.
LYNESS -- May 3, at Laurel Villas, Lenaderg, Banbridge, Edith Jane, beloved wife of Samuel Lyness.
MARTIN -- May 5, at Waringsford House, Dromara, Bertha S., beloved wife of George F. Martin.
MARTIN -- May 3, at a private nursing home, Emily MacDonald (formerly of Cathcart, Scotland), the beloved wife of Adam Woods Martin, Holywood.
MORELAND -- May 5, at Glenview, Bryansburn Road, Bangor, Isabella, widow of the late William Moreland, Clonsilla, Antrim Road, in her 80th year.
M'CARTNEY -- May 3, at Ballydonaghy, Crumlin, John M'Cartney.
M'DOWELL -- May 6, at her residence, Lisleen, Jane, the dearly-beloved wife of Thomas M'Dowell.
M'KEE -- May 4, at her residence, Drumadonald, Banbridge, in her 85th year, Martha, relict of the late Thomas M'Kee, and daughter of the late Robert Bryson, of Holestone, Doagh, Co. Antrim.
ROBINSON -- May 5, at Grangee, Samuel Robinson, late teacher of Grangee National School.
THOMPSON -- April 30, 1918, Kathleen Patterson, dearly-beloved and sadly-mourned elder daughter of G. N. and M. P. Thompson, Fort Lodge, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan, aged 5½ years.
YOUNG -- At the Parsonage, Dimondale, Michigan, U.S.A., Rev. James Young, formerly of Cuppindale House, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, and brother of the Rev. John A. F. Young, B.A., Newtownards.
In Memoriam
M'MURRY -- In loving and affectionate memory of our dear mother, Abigail M'Murry, who died at her residence, Drumgreeny, Ballybay, on May 5th, 1909. "In hope of eternal life." Inserted by her Family.
The new British minefield in the North Sea covers an area of over 121,000, square miles.
M. Vladimir Burtseff, a well-known Russian journalist, who was imprisoned by the Bolsheviks, has escaped and reached Stockholm.
The King has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Duke of Atholl to be Lord High Commissioned to the Church of Scotland.
Millions of photographs of the Paris church wrecked by a shell from the long-range gun on Good Friday will, it is stated, be circulated in the United States.
The potato acreage of 1918 in Great Britain will exceed that of 1917 by about 25 per cent. Including allotments and cottage gardens it will approximate to 900,000 acres.
Mr. J. H. Thomas, M.P., at Derby, expressed the opinion that the danger point in the matter of food had now been passed, but there was still need for economy.
A steamer of 5,548 tons has been launched at San American port twenty-seven days after the keel was laid. Ninety per cent. of the work was completed when the vessel took the water.
A telegram from Prague reports the almost complete destruction by fire of Austria's largest mill, the Dokolek Mill at Wysotchan. The damage is estimated at several million kronen.
According to the Amsterdam "Telegraaf" Frontier correspondent, the Germans lost 300 in killed and wounded in the British attack on Zeebrugge. About seventy were killed or died of wounds.
Commander Stewart Bingham, V.C., brother of Lord Clanmorris, has come from Germany for internment in Holland. He commanded the Nestor in the Jutland Battle, and fought much larger forces until his ship was sunk.
Owing to the great and growing shortage of paper the public are requested to exercise the greatest economy, particularly in the matter of stationery. Much of the notepaper now in use is extravagant in size and quality.
In view of the comments which have been made on the acceptance by Captain W. A. Redmond, M.P., of a Staff appointment, the Press Association is authorised to State that the incident is entirely without political significance.
A stop-the-war demonstration, organised by the trade unions and fixed for Sabbath in Finsbury Park, London, was proclaimed by the Government on the ground that it would cause disorder and make an undue demand on the police.
All the South African Ministers, all the members of the Unionist party, and some of the South African party have agreed to provide substitutes for the army. This is part of a novel recruiting campaign inaugurated by General Botha.
Sir Albert Stanley stated in Parliament that there would be no unavoidable delay in coming to a decision as to recognising the heroism of merchant sailors whose ships had been torpedoed, but who were still "carrying on" by going to sea.
In the House of Commons the financial resolution authorising expenditure under the Horse-breeding Bill was withdrawn, Lord Talbot explaining that it was intended to bring in a new resolution embracing Ireland and Scotland as well as England.
The Ayrshire mansion of New Auchendrane, on the River Doon, about five miles from Ayr, the residence of Lieutenant-Commander A. B. T. Cayser, R.N., has been almost completely destroyed by fire, the damage being estimated roughly at about £35,000.
A manifesto, signed by Indian Home Rulers demands that the Government will immediately give effect to the promise of a responsible Government in the Dependency. "If India is to make great sacrifices in defence of the Empire," the manifesto states, "it must be as a partner."
The Postmaster-General notifies that in view of the infrequency of opportunities for despatching parcels mails to South Africa, and the large accumulation of such parcels on hand, he finds it necessary to suspend for two or three weeks the acceptance of parcels for all places in British South Africa.
At the inquest at Belford on Second-Lieut. Maclachlan and Winifred Gilbert, who were drowned through a canoe capsizing, it was stated that the ----------------- boats were close to the canoe, the occupants refused to -------------------- was said they laughed and rowed away.
Mr. Austin Stack, the secretary of the National Council of Sinn Fein, was arrested in Tralee as he was about to return to Dublin. No charge was made against him, as a reason for the arrest, but there is an unexpired portion of the sentence which he was serving at the time of the hunger strike in Mountjoy.
Rice's Hotel, Poyntzpass, Co. Armagh, has been burned down. The proprietor (Mr. Samuel Hudson) and his wife and family narrowly escaped. A maid, named Maggie Harvey, jumped from a third storey window and was shockingly injured, and her life is despaired of. Over £2,000 damage was caused.
A message from the Christian people of Great Britain to the Christian people of Russia, signed by a number of representative men, was forwarded to be read in the Russian churches on Sabbath last, the Russian Easter. The message prayed for "peace and joy" in Russia, unity among the people, and strength to the Church.
The Food Controller will introduce in Great Britain on July 14 a new system of tea distribution based on the registration of customers. He is considering the national rationing of tea, and has made an order by which tea cannot be sold at less than the maximum price, 2s 8d a lb. The food hoarding Order has been amended to include tea, coffee, and cocoa.
At a meeting of the Belfast Food Control Sub-Committee it was decided to fix the retail price of buttermilk at 2½d per quart until further notice. A strong protest was made against the proposal to stop the import of cheese from Great Britain to Ireland, on the ground that the quantity manufactured in this country was inadequate to meet the requirements of the people.
Presiding at Newton Division Conservative Association meeting, Lord Newton stated that whist realising British objections to working with Germans he infinitely preferred work with German prisoners to that with conscientious objectors and Sinn Feiners who participated in the murder of British soldiers and civilians in Ireland. He described the position of Ireland as the most discreditable page in history.
M. E. M'Quoid, J.P., presided at the monthly meeting of the County Down Agricultural Committee, when the following resolution from King's County was adopted -- "That the various county committees in Ireland should be consulted by the Department before and not after consultation with the Government or Food Controller on questions of fixing prices or other matters affecting agricultural produce and interests."
At interesting function took place at Methodist College, Belfast, when a large and representative company (including many former pupils) assembled to welcome Lieut. Oscar Henderson, R.N., son of the late Sir James Henderson, and congratulate him on his participation and safe return from the Zeebrugge raid. Lieutenant Henderson is, like his brothers, an old pupil of the college. Mr. D. J. Lindsay presided.
At the annual meeting of the Belfast Brach of the British Empire Union the report of the committee viewed with deep anxiety the pacifist movement that was being engineered in their midst by pro-Germans, but intimated that efforts to counteract this were being made by a number of local committees throughout Ulster. Sir Robert Kenned said that the immediate object of the union was to fight the war to a finish.
The death has taken place at Tamworth, Ontario, of Br. Robert Reid, one of the pioneer Orangemen of Eastern Ontario, in his eighty-eighth year. A native of Co. Tyrone, he went to Canada in 1840, when he was ten years of age, and he has been a member of the Orange Institution since 1848. He has been an elder of the Presbyterian Church for the past thirty-five years. He was grandson of the late Captain John Adams, of the Irish Guards, Tyrone.
The delivery for shipment to Ireland without permit of leather, with the exception of harness leather in hides, backs, shoulders, brids and light leathers, leather belting in bolls kit and trunk leather, basils, enamelled, coachbuilding, upholstering, book-bindig leathers or light leathers used for hats, &c., is prohibited, and the delivery for shipment from Ireland without a permit of raw materials of any leather produce therein is also prohibited.
Owing to the Shortage in supplies of super-phosphates, farmers are advised by the Department to employ basic slag for root crops generally.
The third American Liberty Loan has been over-subscribed by approximately seven million dollars. Later figures are expected to raise the total far above three billions.
In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law, replying to Mr. Asquith, said Monday would be given for the debate on the Report of the Commission on Proportional Representation.
Two German prisoners who escaped from Rothwell Camp, Kettering, were recaptured by Thomas Gibson, aged seventeen, who was rabbit-shooting at the time, and who marched them into Broughton police station.
It is officially announced that on and after Tuesday, the 21st May, passengers, other than members of his Majesty's or any Allied Forces in uniform, will not be allowed to embark in Great Britain for Ireland without a permit.
Sir Horace Plunkett is at present suffering from an attack of broncho-pneumonia, and is confined to bed. His medical advisers have ordered complete rest, and he will not, therefore, be able to deal with any correspondence for the present.
One of the amazing and tragic coincidences of the war is that which befell Corporal Davies, D.C.M., Royal Fusiliers, whose seven brothers, two of whom have won the V.C., have been killed in action, two on the same day and five in the same week.
Deep regret has been occasioned in Ulster Unionist circles by the news of Mr. H. T. Barrie's ill-health. Apparently, the long and severe strain of his responsibilities in connection with the Convention has told on him, but hopes are expressed that his recovery will be rapid.
The death has occurred in France of Madame Dobie, who for forty years, taught French in Belfast, where she settled after the Franco-Prussian war, her husband's linen business on the borders of Alsace having been destroyed.
The death has occurred from lung trouble, following gas poisoning, of Sergeant J. Somers, V.C., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, at his parents' residence, Cloughjordan, County Tipperary. Sergeant Somers won the Victoria Cross at the Dardanelles in 1915.
Mrs. Agnes Newman, the only sister of Roger Casement, has subscribed 1,000 dollars to the third American Liberty Loan. She was accompanied to the subscription headquarters by Mr. Michael Francis Doyle, the attorney who defended Casement in his trial.
A resolution will be submitted to the General Synod, Church of Ireland, next week, authorising the Representative Body to pay as a special war bonus a sum of £7,500 for augmentation of stipends in 1918, that amount to be charged against the Association Account.
British Grading Committees have been instructed to refuse to pass for slaughter any animals which, in the national interest, should be reserved. This means that no cattle having a capacity for putting on additional weight shall be marketed for slaughter.
The assessment notices for income tax for 1918-19, now being sent out, were printed before the Budget was passed, and no mention is made in them of the abatement of £25 now allowed for wife or dependents. Taxpayers who claim this abatement should do so under Sec. C, on Page 4 of the form which applies to claims for children.
Sir Rosslyn Weymss, First Sea Lord, addressing a meeting of the Mercantile Marine Association, spoke of the sympathy between the navy and the merchant service, and hoped that something more tangible would be effected. A closer bond would enable us to stave off all attacks of our enemies.
At Ballymena Urban Council a letter was read from the Ministry of Food relative to the application for authority to erect a potato flour mill in Ballymena, stating that their chief engineer (Mr. Rainforth) would be in Belfast at the end of the week to meet those who are interested in the matter.
Lord Ranfurly, chairman of Dungannon Urban Council, has written that body, stating that, at their request, he and Mr. R. Newton, J.P., had interviewed Sir T. W. Russell and the experts of the Department of Agriculture, and they had arranged to send down engineers to report on the resources of the Tyrone coalfields.
Mr. Thornton Pulley (Coalition) has been elected for South Herefordshire by 3,260 votes, as against 1,784 votes for Mr. T. Preece (Farmers' Union). Mr. Pulley said his election would be an encouraging message to the men in the trenches. Mr. Preece expressed the opinion that it was too much to expect to win a seat on behalf of the farmers at the first attempt.
Mr. Flood, the Chairman of the United States Foreign Affairs committee, has refused to give a hearing to delegations from Irish organisations on the Irish freedom resolutions, as they might embarrass a co-belligerent. A committee of 200 members of the Progressive League has presented resolutions at the White House calling for "full political and economic rights for Ireland."
Applications to the Bank of England for National War Bonds during the last week numbered 8,716, the amount applied for being £9,114,196, making the total amount applied for to that date £679,255,366. Applications for the Post Office issue of War Bonds for the week ended April 27th numbered 21,183, representing £510,980, or an aggregate of £27,688,380. The War Savings Certificates sold during the same period numbered 2,704,148.
At the meeting of the Belfast Harbour Board, Mr. W. E. Williames, J.P., who presided, referred to the decreases in the volume of vessels using the port, and stated that imports and exports showed a decrease for last year. The Finance Committee had no option but to recommend further increases in rates, these to take the form of ½d per. ton on cross-Channel and coastwise vessels, and 3d per ton on foreign vessels. The new schedules, with these alterations, will come into operation at once.
In Committee on the English Education Bill in the House of Commons, Mr. King moved an amendment, which was negatived, to the effect that the National system of education should include the provision of free secondary or higher education. Mr. Fisher said he was willing to add words to the Bill directing local authorities, in preparing their schemes, to provide as far as practicable, that children shall not be debarred by poverty from the benefits of higher education.
The session-house of St. Vincent Street United Free Church, Glasgow, was destroyed by fire last Sabbath morning. The furnishings of the session house, which were of mahogany, were completely burned, as were also a valuable harmonium and two oil paintings. The pictures were portraits of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Ogilvie Beattie, the first minister of the congregation, who died in 1868, and of the Rev. James Rennie, the present senior minister. The loss is estimated at £1,000.
Vice-Admiral Sims, who has charge of the United States Navy in British waters, speak in London, said -- The submarine campaign reached its highest point in April last. It has since been going steadily down, and in the meantime the new tonnage constructed by the Allies has been gradually increasing until the corner has nearly been turned, and we hope that within the next fortnight construction in the aggregate will beat the rate of destruction. In short, we feel assured that the time of our recovery has come.
Fought Against the Greatest Odds.
General Sir Hubert Gough, K.G.B., K.C.V.O., in a letter to the Lord Mayor of Belfast (Alderman James Johnston. J.P.) pays a striking tribute to the work or the Ulster Division during the retreat from the neighbourhood of St. Quentin. Sir Hubert refers "to the very gallant conduct of the Division in stemming the tide of the immense German attack that was launched against them on 21st March and subsequent dates. The fighting of the Ulster Division, as indeed of all the divisions in the Fifth Army against the greatest odds hurled on any body of troops throughout this great war, was magnificent. The main features of the situation to which the whole Fifth Army (including the Ulster Division) was exposed are known to everyone, I believe, and give some idea of what those odds were -- namely, fourteen infantry divisions against forty German divisions on the 21st, reinforced by some eight or ten more German divisions during the subsequent two days. I cannot speak too highly, of the splendid calmness and doggedness with which my fellow-countrymen met and fought this storm, and, though many laid down their lives, their splendid tenacity saved the British Empire and the kingdom of France by permitting the arrival of reserves. The Corps Commander has issued an order thanking all ranks of the Division for the fighting spirit they have displayed, and reminding them that further deeds of gallantry will be required of them in the coming months."
Acknowledging the Lord Mayor's reply, Sir Hubert Gough wrote -- I am very pleased that anything I said was a pride and comfort to our people in Ulster. Their gallantry and self-sacrifice deserve all the praise anyone can
Chaplains Killed in Action.
Mr. Macpherson stated, in reply to Major Henry Terrell, in the Commons, that thirty-eight Church of England chaplains, ten Catholic, three Presbyterian, three Wesleyan, and three United Board, or a total of fifty-seven, had been killed in action. Twelve Church of England chaplains, six Catholic, and one Presbyterian, or a total of nineteen, had died of wounds received in action. Seven Church of England Chaplains and three Catholic chaplains had died of disease contracted on active service.
Thus Far Shalt Thou Go and No Farther.
Land of the brave and the fallen,
Land of the good and the free;
Britain still waves the old ensign,
God bless the red, white, and blue.
Lands where the roar of the cannons
Clashing and crashing of arms.
Rally the cry is resounding,
Rise, it's a call now to arms.
Away on the fair fields of Europe
Heroes on battlefields die,
Under an azure blue canopy
Veiled and enshrouded they lie.
Earth amidst scenes of affliction.
Voices shall not call in vain;
Rise all ye loyal and faithful.
Freedom must still reign supreme.
Gone to a far distant country,
Farewell to sighing and pain;
Waving the banner of victory.
Immortal with Christ now to reign.
Oh, far a calm on life's ocean,
Roaring of billows once o'er.
Out in God's beautiful sunshine
Rest for the weary once more.
Land's where our heart's true devotion.
Beauty afar off now shines
Over a free, tranquil spirit.
Grant us that true peace of mind.
Legions on legions are mustering,
Earth reels and rocks with the sway,
Only the righteous shall conquer.
Lord, we pray, hasten the day.
BESSIE BREAKEY. Drumskelt, Ballybay.
^ top of page
The Witness - Friday, 17 May 1918
BARR -- May 11, at Ballydavy, Craigavad, Jas. Barr.
BOYCE -- May 13, 1918, at Rashee, William, beloved brother of Alexander and Jane Boyce.
ELLIS -- May 14, at Fruitvale, Agnagallon, Lurgan, Thomas, dearly-beloved husband of Sarah Ellis.
HALL -- May 13, Bertie, only and dearly-beloved son of the late Captain Robert and Mrs. Hall, Glynn.
HILLIS -- May 14, at Ballynageeragh, Crumlin, William, the deadly-beloved husband of Helna Hillis.
KILPATRICK -- May 14, at St. James's, Hillsborough, Ann, widow of the late James Kilpatrick.
LONG -- May 9, at Ballymacross, Lisburn, A. J. Long.
MANSON -- May 10, at Cottown, Agnes, youngest daughter of the late David Manson.
MORELAND -- May 10, at Hertford, Emily, widow of W. H. Moreland, formerly of Belfast, and of The Glen House, Crawfordsburn.
M'CHESNEY -- May 11, at Billingham, Chillerton, I.O.W., Robert M'Chesney, late of Banford, Gilford, Co. Down.
M'CULLOUGH -- May 8, at his residence, 6, Burnbrae Avenue, Portadown, James, the beloved husband, of Margaret M'Cullough.
M'ELHERON -- May 12, at his residence, Altacoon House, Cushendall, James, the beloved husband of Bessie M'Elheron.
M'KEE -- At her father's residence, Enfield Terrace, Coleraine, Agnes, infant daughter of M. and A. M'Kee.
M'KENZIE -- May 10, at the residence of her son-in-law, Hillcrest, Manse Road, Bangor, Sarah J., relict of the late David M'Kenzie.
M'MULLAN -- May 9, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Alexander M'Mullan, Solicitor, eldest son of the late John M'Mullan, Glenarm.
M'NEILL -- May 12, at Market Square, Bushmills, Margaret Jane, widow of the late James M'Neill, aged 77 years.
NELSON -- May 13, at Rose Cottage, Tobermore, Co. Derry, Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Mima Nelson.
PARKHILL -- May 11, at her father's residence, The Crescent, Holywood, Sarah Jane, beloved daughter of James Parkhill.
SCOTT -- May 8, at Hillcrest, Warrenpoint, Alick T., only son of the late R. T. Scott and Mrs. R. T. Scott.
THOMPSON -- May 14, at Fort Lodge, Ballyjamesduff, Mary Patterson, beloved wife of George Nesbitt Thompson, and daughter of the late Rev. John Fritz Beck, M.A., M.D., Milford, Co. Donegal.
In Memoriam
RIDGES -- In loving memory of Helen Ridges, of Dromalane, Newry, who passed away on 15th May, 1916. Proverbs xxxi. 16.
In the House of Commons it was stated that for the year ended 31st March last, £6,625,000 had been paid in Ireland in excess profits, and £1,160,000 on tea duty.
The Austrian Legation at The Hague admits that there is lively agitation against the occupying Powers in Siberia, and that 100 Mayors in the occupied regions have been executed.
The Lord Chancellor of Ireland (Sir Ignatius O'Brien) states that there is no truth in the statement about his retirement. "I have not resigned," he says, "and I know nothing at all about it."
The death has occurred at 97, Fitzroy Avenue, Belfast, of Mr. John Tregaskis, who was for thirty years the harbourmaster of Bangor, County Down. Deceased, who was seventy-seven years of age, was a native of Cornwall.
Miss Mary Macarthur, of the National Federation of Women Workers, was on Saturday adopted at a meeting of the Divisional Council as the prospective candidate of the Labour Party in the new Stourbridge Parliamentary Division.
The death has taken place at his residence, 38, Ravenscroft Avenue, of Mr. W. W. Darragh, an overseer on the stall of the General Post Office. The deceased was a popular and efficient public servant.
Lieut.-Colonel Sir J. Griffiths, M.P., speaking in London, said the Germans were massing troops and artillery in numbers never heard of before, and it would require all their fortitude and courage to go through the next month or two.
Mr. William Hugh Patterson, of Garranard, Strandtown, Belfast, merchant, of Messrs. Robert Patterson & Sons, Ltd., who died 5th March last, left personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £35,261 1s 11d, of which £19,814 7s 4d is in England.
The United States Ordnance Bureau states that despite the acceleration in the despatch of United States troops to France every soldier going abroad is fully equipped, and sufficient artillery and machine guns are already in France to meet present requirements.
A great new German minefield north of Gothenburg is said to consist of many mines of a new type, and so anchored that they cannot be observed by steamers. Swedish warships are busy destroying the mines. Ships from England to Norway are warned against the minefield by Norwegian patrols.
The Belfast Corporation, by 21 votes to 9, decided to terminate the tramway employees' agreement and to suspend the undertaking next week. The men obtained an award for additional wages, but the Corporation contend they cannot carry this into effect without violating the Statute, which forbids them getting relief from the rates.
Writing to the Londonderry County Council in reference to the hour for opening schools, the Commissioners of National Education stated that it was allowable for the manager to arrange that the morning attendance at a National school may commence not later than eleven a.m. instead of 10-30, the teaching staff to be present, not later than ten.
At a meeting of the Standing Council of the Irish Technical Instruction Association, in Dublin, under the presidency of Captain F. C. Forth, vice-chairman of the Council, and Principal of the Belfast Technical Institute, it was unanimously resolved to postpone the holding of the 1918 Technical Instruction Congress, which had been provisionally fixed for June 4 and 5.
The death has occurred in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, of Mr. Alexander M'Mullan, solicitor. Deceased, who had been living in retirement, formerly practised for many years in Ballymena and subsequently in Sligo. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. John M'Mullan, of Glenarm, who was prominently identified with the shipping and quarrying business.
Lord Rhondda, enclosing a cheque for 1,000 guineas to the Newspaper Press Fund in a letter to Lord Burnham at the annual dinner, paid a tribute to the part of the Press in the war, expressing special thanks for the help given him in the Ministry of Food. It was announced that in addition to his subscription Lord Rhondda had collected £3,000. Contributions were expected to reach £9,000 -- a record.
The Food Controller, in consultation with the three Departments of Agriculture, has fixed the base price under the Potatoes Order (No. 2), 1917, for sound were potatoes delivered by the grower on or after the 15th May as follows -- Ireland, £5 per ton. Contracts subsisting on the 15th May for the sale of potatoes will be cancelled on that date in so far as potatoes not delivered before that date are concerned.
The death has occurred of Lord Courtney of Penwith, in his eighty-sixth year. He was Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons from 1886 to 1892. He sat as a Unionist in the House of Commons for many years as member for Liskeard, and afterwards for the Bodmin Division. There is no heir to the Barony. He was a very prominent advocate of proportional representation.
The Vienna correspondent of the Berlin "Lokalanzeiger" learns that General Rennenkampf has been murdered by Bolsheviks in Taganrog. He was the famous Russian Cossack leader who in the early months of the war over-run a great part of East Prussia, with his troops, despoiling the country to such a degree as to cause the Kaiser in a public speech to bewail the spoliation of his "beloved Masurian land."
In Parliament, the Chancellor of the Exchequer informed Sir Edward Carson that the Government intended, like the French Government, to denounce all general conventions containing most-favoured nation clauses, so as to leave the country's hands free for the time when peace arrives. He had every reason to believe that America was anxious for a united economic control. Any action of this kind would he much more effective if taken in conjunction with our Allies.
In his report on Omagh Lunatic Asylum, Dr. J. Patrick, R.M.S., asks that the fact that alcohol appears as a factor in the production of insanity in 11.7 per cent. of the admissions should not be interpreted too literally, as it merely implied that this proportion were of intemperate habits. Practically no change has taken place in the percentage of cases due to over-indulgence in the last five years, notwithstanding the high prices and restrictions and the fall in arrests for drunkenness to a quarter of the pre-war figure.
At the Belfast City Hall some 1,760 certificates were distributed by the Lord Mayor (Alderman James Johnston, J.P.) to relatives of local men who have served, in the war. His lordship said the citizens of Belfast knew from letters that they had received from the front that the Irish regiments had distinguished themselves in a manner second to none in the British Army. (Applause.) Brigadier-General Hackett-Pain, referring to the men who had enlisted, said they were under no compulsion; they did simply what they considered their duty.
The Comptroller's report on appropriations for the year ended March 31. 1918, states that grants for property losses due to the rebellion in Dublin amounted to £1,070,128; victims, £10,836; and relief in the city (paid to the Guardians), £9,412.
Referring to the League of Nations proposal, Right Rev. Dr. Keating, Catholic Bishop of Northampton, in a speech at Jarrow, said the Pope, as the Spearhead of Christian Activity in the world, ought to be represented in any such League as a guarantee against secret treaties.
President Wilson has set aside May 30 as "a day of public humiliation, prayer, and fasting," exhorting Americans of all creeds to pray to God for victory for the American armies, and that He may give steadfastness to the people "to make sacrifices to the utmost support of what is just and true."
An old, well-known, and esteemed railway official has just passed away in Mr. Joseph Shanks, chief accountant of the Great Northern Railway Company, whose death took place at his residence, Victoria Terrace, Clontarf. Mr. Shanks was a Belfast man, and spent the greater part of his life in this city.
The Food Controller, in consultation with the Boards of Agriculture, has prescribed the following maximum retail prices for early potatoes of the 1918 crop sold in Great Britain -- From 20th to 31st May, 4d per pound; 1st to 15th June, 3½d; 16th to 30th June, 3d; 1st to 15th July, 2½d; and 16th to 31st July, 2d per pound.
Asked by Mr. Lindsay in Parliament, in view of new travel difficulties, as to the issue of permanent travel permits to each Irish M.P., Mr. Bonar Law paid the regulations empower the issue of permits for six months, with an extension of time oh application. If this was found to cause inconvenience further arrangements could be made.
Mr. Bernard M. Brennen, ex-National school teacher, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone, was found dead near the railway line on Sabbath morning, having evidently died from heart failure. His dog, which had accompanied him, had guarded the body all night, and force had to be used before the faithful animal would permit the remains to be removed.
In the Consistorial Hall, Rome, a decree was solemnly read in the presence of the Pope that the Church might safely proceed to the beatification of Oliver Plunkett, Archbishop of Armagh, executed in 1681, being the last Roman prelate in England to suffer death for his faith. The Pope said Plunkett was a representative of the entire noble Irish nation.
When a verdict of alcoholic poisoning was returned at an inquest at Belfast on J. Bowers, dock labourer, it was stated that he and nine others, thinking it was ordinary whisky, drank what was locally known as "Bull Whisky," which oozed out of a barrel, and which was used in the manufacture of high explosives. The nine other men were found in an unconscious condition, but since recovered.
Judge Craig, referring in the Belfast Recorder's Court to the local Gas Works dispute, said he did not know how the community was to exist if men earning £3 17s weekly went on strike. Being informed the men had been called out by their society, he advised them to drop the society and think of the country. "People," he added, "cannot go on paying all the time. We shall all be bankrupt."
On the occasion of Lord Glenconner's transference of Dryburgh Abbey to the nation the Moderators of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church, together with the Bishop of Edinburgh and the parish minister, conducted a Divine service at the Abbey in front of the tomb of Sir Walter Scott, The Duke of Atholl, for the Board of Works, accepted the gift, and conveyed the King's thanks to Lord Glenconner.
Turks captured by the Allies have reached Salonika, and describe the extirpation of Hellenists in Turkey. Up to the close of 1917, they say, over 200,000 Greeks, aged between fifteen and forty-eight, were mobilised; many of these succumbed. The total of the Hellenic population deported from Thrace and Asia Minor exceeded 150,000. All Greeks in Turkey were subjected to a martyrdom of deportation, rape, and hunger. Greek notables, formerly millionaires, were put to road-making, and had to beg their dally bread.
The majority (56) by which the House of Commons rejected the scheme of the Commissioners under the Representation of the People Act to select constituencies for an experiment in proportional representation was larger than anticipated. The Commissioners tried to choose boroughs and county divisions where feeling appeared most in favour of this form of minority representation. Proportional representation is now for a fifth, and presumably the last time in the present Parliament, defeated. Sir E. Carson voted with the majority.
At the meeting of the Board of National Education, the attendance including Revs. Dr. D. A. Taylor and Dr. James Bingham, it was decided to make certain concessions to monitors, pupil teachers, candidates for training, and students in the training colleges who either have joined or may join his Majesty's forces, and who may desire to resume their preparation for the teaching profession on the conclusion of the war. Miss Magretta Lamon, assistant teacher in Ballymena Girls' Model School, was appointed head mistress of Newtownstewart Infants' Model School, and Miss M. J. Ford, assistant teacher in Enniscorthy Model School, was appointed assistant teacher in Enniskillen Girls' Model School.
At a meeting of the council of the Ballymena Farmers' Association Mr. R. J. Pilkington, J.P., reported that at the meeting of the central council it was unanimously decided to take the necessary steps to have the farming community properly represented on the Irish Food Control Committee when dealing with matters concerning agricultural produce, or anything affecting the farming industry. The question of the present scale and system of rationing Hour was discussed, and after consultation with District-Inspector M'Ginley, it was resolved to send a resolution from that council to the Irish Food Control Committee asking that power be extended to district-inspectors to allow them to issue permits to retailers, who should furnish the local food office with lists of their customers, and undertake not to supply more than the controlled quantity to any one person.
Sons of the Manse.
Some later news has come to hand of the death from wounds of Lieut. James M'Cay, son of the Rev. James M'Cay, Castlederg, at the front on the 27th March. He was educated at the Campbell College, and afterwards at the M'Crea Magee College, where he went through his entire course for the ministry, taking scholarships and passing his examination for the B.A. degree. Early in 1915 duty compelled him to volunteer for the army. After being trained at Ballykinlar and the O.T.C., he went with the Ulster Division to France, and passed through the attack at Thiepval. He was wounded there, the bullet of the enemy gracing the skull and causing him to fall. After some time at home he returned to the front. He was in the grade of lieutenant of 15th Battalion R.I.R. In the last great push he was captured by the Germans during the retreat, but escaped, and was in command of his battalion till he received the fatal shot. He was twice recommended for the Military Cross. His eldest brother, Charles, distinguished himself in surgery in Dublin before joining the R.A.M.C., in which he is now in charge of an ambulance at the front. His younger brother, Andrew W., was injured in the trenches and sent to hospital at Bath. He is now engaged in civil work for the navy and mercantile marine, examining workers for the new Government shipyards. The Castlederg Manse, has given all its sons to the service of their country. Mr. M'Cay has another child, a daughter, the youngest of the family, who looks after the home. This is only one of many instances of the services the Presbyterian Manses and sons of the Manses have rendered in this terrible war. We may add that Lieut. M'Cay was a young man of the finest spirit and character, and was a general favourite at home and at the front. His father received a long telegram from the King and Queen expressing their deep regret and sincere sympathy.
Memorial Tablet Unveiled.
Rev. John M'Clean paid tribute to the memory of the late Captain Henry Gallaugher, D.S.O., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, who was killed in action on the 7th June last at Messines Ridge, on Sabbath evening last in the lecture hall of first Ray Presbyterian Church, Manorcunningham, County Donegal, when a beautiful memorial tablet was unveiled.
The Late Lieut. James Cordner, M.C.
Rev. John Pollock, in the presence of a crowded congregation, preached a memorial sermon in Drumbo Presbyterian Church to the late Lieut. James Cordner, M.C., killed in action. The deceased, before joining the colours, was minister of the U. F. Church, Lisburn, and was formerly an assistant in St. Enoch's Presbyterian Church, Belfast. In the course of an eloquent tribute to the deceased, Mr. Pollock said -- I am not using the language of exaggeration when I say that James Cordner was one of the finest characters I have ever known. In him were present all the essential elements of genuine manhood. He was a true Christian gentleman, and what better can be said of any man than that. Few knew him as well as I did; certainly none outside his own family knew him better. I loved him as if he were my own son, and the love of a son he gave me without stint. Having no mother on earth, he called my wife by that endearing name. He was as one of our own family, and looked upon our house as a second home, knowing that a welcome always awaited him at any hour of the day or night. And the more intimately you know a man the more severe is the test applied ta your friendship. Our friendship stood that test. James Cordner was the very soul of loyalty, and I always felt, during the comparatively short time we were actually in harness together, before and after my American tour, that my interests were by him identified with his own. During that tour, involving an absence of eleven months, he filled the place of pastor of St. Enoch's with conspicuous ability and acceptance. This is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that he had only commenced his training for the ministry; though the lack of the academic had been largely compensated for by the practical experience gained as a successful agent in the great mission field of Canada, where he attended classes in the Presbyterian colleges of Montreal and Vancouver, and had charge of more than one church. He stood less in need of homiletics than most men, for he was a born preacher, for whom, had he survived the war, there undoubtedly waited a most fruitful, if not indeed a brilliant future. His addresses were rich in originally-chosen illustration. I need not speak of his influence as he went out and in among the people. He held the esteem of the young, and was the beloved of little children. The Presbyterian Communion, and the Church of Christ at large, have sustained a great loss in the untimely fall of such a :good soldier of Jesus Christ." After my return from America our friend became temporary pastor of the United Free Church congregation at Lisburn, and had resumed his studies with a view to entering the University. But the appeal for men to stand in the breach for the defence of all that he held dear came to him with irresistible force. Not beng an ordained minister he was not eligible for a chaplaincy, but I have a strong conviction that he preferred to be, as he himself put it, "in the thick of it." He had no difficulty in securing a commission; but he often addressed meetings and conducted services, both in camp and at the front, and few chaplains held a higher place in the esteem of the men than "the fighting parson," as he came to be called. I hold in my hand a letter I received from Captain Rev. David R. Mitchell, in which he says, "Wasn't he a gem of a fellow? He was a magnificent soldier, fearless and brave, and most faithful in every duty. He was prompted when only a short time with us to be 'Battalion Works Officer,' and won his Military Cross a hundred times over. We haven't another like him, and I feel very desolate." Certainly that is high praise. "He won his M.C. a hundred times over," and yet when his name was read out he thought there must be some mistake, and went about inquiring whether there was not another Cordner somewhere with whom he had been confounded. That was typical of the man. He had high self-esteem, but was absolutely devoid of self-conceit. He
was a living attestation of the truth of that wise apothegm, "He who has most to be proud of is most humble."
Death of Mr. W. J. Hanna, J.P.
The news of the death of Mr. W. J. Hanna, J.P., White House, Carrigans, near Derry, will occasion widespread regret. Deceased, when a boy of seventeen, went to the United States, and soon made his mark in the commercial life of Philadelphia. Forty years ago he retired from business in America and returned to his native country. Since then he has been closely identified with the public life of the North-West. Mr. Hanna was a Liberal Unionist in politics and a member of the Masonic Order. He took a great interest in St. Johnston Presbyterian Church, with which the family had been so long connected, and the handsome new schools attached to the church stand as a memorial to his generosity and his interest in the congregation and primary education. He was chairman of the trustees of M'Crea Magee College, Derry, and was not only one of the most, munificent contributors to the funds of the institution but displayed the greatest zeal in seeing to it that these funds were utilised to the best possible advantage.
The funeral was largely attended. At the memorial service in the house Rev. D. Watson, minister of St. Johnston Presbyterian Church, said Mr. Hanna was throughout his life a practical Christian. Piety and benevolence were his prominent characteristics,
and he revealed what it was essential for an humble Christian to be. Whilst substantial material results would perpetuate his memory in St. Johnston Church, his best monument would be found in the hearts of his people who loved him, whose interests he served so well, and upon whom he exercised an influence that would never be forgotten.
The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev. W. A. Park, Glendermot; Rev. W. Watson, St. Johnston, offering up prayer.
Rev. Professor Paul, in a brief address, said the late Mr. Hanna's sterling character, his unselfishness, his unfailing interest, and his thorough grip of all details would never be forgotten by those who had the privilege of being associated with him in the management of the affairs of M'Crea Magee College. And now that he was taken away they would recall, and be thankful for the inspiring lesson of his life. He had often thought no feeling could fill a man with greater satisfaction at the end of his days than that of knowing he had done an honest day's work. Mr. Hanna's friends could feel he had done an honest day's work for his Maker.
Spontaneous combustion of wood dried to the point of charring may, it is reported, account for many mysterious fires. In dwellings and in factories it is said that fires originate near steampipes or other heating appliances which are kept at temperatures far below the ignition point of wood. These temperatures being continued, however, form charcoal by a kind of slow combustion, and the charcoal may ignite spontaneously under favouring conditions.
The reason that there are more insects in the world than all other creatures put together is the amazing tenacity of life in the insect tribe. Robert Cunningham Miller gives, in the "Scientific American," some remarkable instances of this. He tells of a moth which, four days after being chloroformed, transfixed with a red-hot needle and mounted on a setting card, was so alive that it laid eggs. And spiders and beetles that were alive and kicking after being chloroformed for several hours.
Mexico is not populated, as so many suppose, by a mixed Spanish-Indian race, in which the Iberian element predominates. There are about a couple of million people of mixed decent, another million of pure European decent, but the remainder, some thirteen millions, are practically pure-blooded Indians. There are 133 tribes of Indians in Mexico, recognised as quite distinct, and divided by ethnologists in sixteen language groups, though actually fifty-three separate languages, or widely-differing dialects, are spoken in the Republic. Some of the Mexican Indians remain in almost the same primitive condition as their forefathers at time of the Spanish conquest.
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The Witness - Friday, 24 May 1918
M'CAMMON -- March 25, at Kirin, Manchuria, to Rev. James and Mrs. M'Cammon -- a daughter (Doreen Elizabeth).
ALEXANDER -- May 20, at Arlington, Newcastle, J. W. Alexander, J.P.
ALISTER -- May 19, at his residence, Stannus Place, Lisburn, Robert, youngest son of the late Robert Alister.
ALLEN -- May 16, at hospital, Dublin Road, Lisburn, Kennedy Allen, Drumseill.
BELL -- May 17, at Ballygoney, Coagh, John Bell, ex-Sergeant, R.I.C.
BURGESS -- At Southey Hospital, Sask., Canada, Dr. John Burgess, youngest son of the late James Burgess, Dungillick, Emyvale, Co. Monaghan.
CLARKE -- May 18, at Cortamlet, Altnamackin, Castleblayney, Mary Elizabeth, beloved wife of Andrew Clarke. Deeply mourned.
COLEMAN -- May 17, at Daisyhill, Glarryford, Rosetta, second daughter of the late Robert Coleman.
CRAWFORD -- May 17, at his father's residence, Hurtletoot, Antrim, Samuel Orr, the beloved son of William Crawford.
GORDON -- May 21, at his father's residence, Glenview, Spa, Ballynahinch, William Alexander (Willie), eldest son of William James Gordon.
GRAHAM -- May 19, at the residence of her cousins, Rann House, Downpatrick, Susan Graham, late of Fernside, Legacurry, Lisburn.
HOUSTON -- May 15, 1918, at Upperlands, County Derry, Robert Houston.
LESTER -- May 14, Maria, youngest daughter of the late John Lester, Dyan.
LIVINGSTONE -- May 21, Elisa Jane, the eldest daughter of the late David Livingstone, Causnagh, Loughgall.
MACKAY -- May 16, at his residence, Tullyard, Lisburn, Robert, the dearly-beloved husband of Margaret Mackay (for over 53 years with T. & G. A. Workman, Ltd., Belfast).
NESBITT -- May 17, at Railway Street, Ballynahinch, Belinda Nesbitt, the dearly-beloved wife of John Nesbitt.
RANKIN -- May 20, at his father's residence, Mossbank, Coleraine, Oliver, fourth son of John Rankin.
REID -- May 21, at the residence of his sister, The Hill, Portavogie, James Reid.
WARWICK -- May 16, at Glenmore Terrace, Lisburn, Arthur Warwick, formerly of Scolbow, Antrim, aged 82 years.
Owners of scutch mills in Ireland, in which flax straw is scutched are prohibited after July 1 to scutch any flax straw without a licence. Non-compliance with the Order shall be punishable tinder D.O.R.A.
The total United States credits to foreign Governments (including £544,000,000 to Great Britain) to April 11 was £1,057,120,000, and the total loans (including £516,000,000 to Great Britain) were £967,065,950.
More than £50,000,000 will be released on June 1 in War Loan dividends, and an appeal has been made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to public companies with holdings to re-invest their dividends in War Bonds.
According to the Board of Trade "Labour Gazette," the general increase in the prices ef items ordinarily entering into the working-class family budget between July, 1914, and, May, 1918, is estimated at between 95 and 100 per cent.
Commenting on the failure of the submarines to bring Great Britain to exhaustion, "Der Tag" states "We fear we shall have to employ the other means which have been held back by our military leader as a very last resort to accomplish her overthrow."
General Smuts, is urging Clyde shipyard workers to strain every nerve, said their American Allies were coming over by hundreds of thousands every month. He was sure the enemy were going to make still greater attempts than they had already made.
Two military policemen were attacked by a man with a large crucifix in Colchester. They were about to arrest him when he struck one of them violently on the face with a crucifix. On being arrested, it was found that, despite his matted hair and long beard, he was only forty.
Lord Rhondda is making good progress towards recovery, and at the request of the Prime Minister supported by Mr. Clynes, and the general expression of public opinion, he has consented to withdraw his resignation. Until his complete recovery Mr. Clynes will perform the duties.
The Postmaster-General inaugurated a new automatic telephone installation at Leeds, with 7,000 instruments already on the dial system and capacity for 8,000 more. Mr. Illingworth said this was a transference from absolute dependence by the individual to reliance on the mechanical and automatic.
A Sunday paper circulated a report to the effect that Sir Thomas W. Russell, Bart., M.P., Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in Ireland, had resigned that office, or was about to resign. We have it on the best authority that there is no foundation for the report.
Jeremiah O'Leary, one of the Irish-American leaders, failed to appear for trial in New York on a charge of obstructing recruiting, for which he was under bail with four others. His lawyer said he was unable to communicate with his client. O'Leary's bail for £500 was forfeited and a warrant for his arrest issued.
To hoard silver, or exchange, or offer to exchange, current coins for an amount exceeding their face value has been made an offence under D.O.R.A. by an Order in Council. No person shall, after May 27, retain in his possession or control silver coin of a value exceeding that reasonably required by him for ordinary use.
Sir R. Winfrey, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary, Board of Agriculture, in reply to a correspondent who expressed the wish that the Bill to provide English soldiers with small holdings should be extended to Ireland, has written stating that he understands that a scheme on somewhat similar lines for Ireland is at the moment under consideration.
Mr. Robert Dell, the Paris correspondent of the "Manchester Guardian," has been expelled, from France, the reason, states the "Daily Mail," being his dispatches concerning the Emperor Karl's letters, and his allegations conceding the French Government's responsibility for the failure of the Austrian peace negotiations last year.
Joseph Gayler, described as "the modern Old Scarlett," has died at Peterborough, aged eighty-two. He dug between 9,000 and 10,000 graves at Peterborough Cemetery. Old Scarlett was a noted sexton at Peterborough Cathedral. He lived nearly a hundred years, and buried two Queens at Peterborough, Catherine of Aragon and Mary Queen of Scots.
It was stated at the Belfast Harbour Board's meeting that contemplated harbour improvements there would bring in about £10,000 yearly in increased rentals, besides substantial additional dues. Mr. Jas. M'Connell, J.P., said the proposed developments, were only in keeping with the tremendous shipbuilding expansion about to be undertaken by the local builders, costing something like £500,000.
News as to the present condition of Captain Charles Craig, M.P., is fairly satisfactory. He is at Freiburg, anxiously awaiting the exchange to a neutral country now several months overdue. He was wounded and captured in the desperate attack by the Ulster Division on Beaumont Hamel on the 3rd July, 1916. Injured in the leg with shrapnel, he lay six hours in a shell hole and was again wounded, though slightly, on the arm.
At the half-yearly meeting of the County Tyrone Grand Orange Lodge, held in Dungannon -- Br. Anketell Moutray, D.L., County Grand Master, presiding -- a discussion took place with reference to the ensuing Twelfth of July celebration. It was ultimately decided that, subject to the approval of the competent military authority, the various district lodges should be at liberty to make their own arrangements for the demonstrations.
During a severe thunderstorm at Ormskirk a particularly sharp clap had the effect of restoring sight to a blind soldier named Private Peter Sheridan, of the South Lancashire Regiment. Sheridan, who has been blind for nearly twelve months as the result of gas poisoning and shelf-shock, was in bed asleep at the time. The thunder awoke him, and he immediately fainted. On coming round, greatly to his delight, he found his sight restored.
The report of the Treasury Committee on Bank Amalgamation has been issued as a White Paper. The Committee report that, taking everything into account, the possible dangers resulting from further large amalgamations are material enough to outweigh the arguments against Government interference, and that in view of the exceptional extent to which the interests of the whole community depend on banking arrangements some measure of Government control is essential.
Mr. Snowden, M.P., in the "Labour Leader," alluding to the English Labour attitude on Irish conscription, argues that if the party's Executive "really believe what they say in their manifesto on the Irish situation, they ought to call for the withdrawal of the members of the party from the Government which is carrying out this Irish policy." The Irishwomen's International League have sent a letter of thanks to the English Trades Congress and Labour party for their appeal to the Premier on Irish conscription.
Speaking at Portadown, Mr. C. Johnston, J.P., said the scarcity of flax was becoming a serious matter for the linen trade, and might lead to want of employment. He did not hold that the Government was to blame, but if they paid more attention to the matter something more might be done to avoid trouble. Captain Parsons, of the British Empire Union, stated he had high military authority for saying the war would he won in the air, and unless Ulster spun and wove the essentials for aeroplanes the air was lost to them.
The award of the Committee on Production with reference to the claim for increased wages by workers in the Ulster linen trade has been communicated to the parties concerned, and provides that the wages of the time workers on whose behalf the application was made should be advanced 3s per full ordinary week in the case of men and 2s per full ordinary week in the .ase of women, and that the piece workers concerned shall receive an advance of 10 per cent, on their piece prices. These amounts are to be regarded as war wages.
In connection with Queen Mary's Needlework Guild it has been decided to have a "Shower of Gifts" for her Majesty's silver wedding next July. As the result of a similar effort in Canada two years ago thousands of useful articles were collected and distributed amongst the troops and hospitals at the front. The movement which is now being organised in the United Kingdom is likely to be enthusiastically supported in Belfast, and the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. James Johnston) would be grateful for the co-operation of the members of the local branch of the Q.M.N.G.
The threatened stoppage of the Belfast tramways has been averted, it being intimated at the Munitions Tribunal during the hearing of an action taken on behalf of 800 employees against the Corporation for failing to comply with the terms of the award granting an advance of 8s weekly that the Government, under the Defence of the Realm Act, had decided to suspend the Aberdeen clause. The solicitor for the Corporation said the latter, as a result of this decision, would undertake to pay the award next pay day from the date on which it was granted.
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The Witness - Friday, 31 May 1918
ERWIN -- May 28, at her daughter's residence, Greenwood, Lisburn, Fanny, widow of the Rev. R. S. Erwin, Cargycreevy, aged 90 years. Funeral private. No flowers, by request.
JOHNSTON -- May 24, at his residence, Groddum, Ballyjamesduff, Archibald Johnston, aged 80 years. Interred in Ballyjamesduff Presbyterian Cemetery, May 26th.
BEATTIE -- May 24, at Fountain Street, Downpatrick, Matilda, dearly-beloved wife of Robert Beattie.
BLEAKLEY -- May 25, at The Nurseries, Killylea, County Armagh, William, the beloved husband of Annie Constance Bleakley.
BRUCE -- May 27, at his mother's residence, Mosside, Derriaghy, Simon, third son of Margaret and the late Thomas Bruce.
EAGLE -- May 24, 1918, at her residence, Ballycronick, Castleshane, Mary, the beloved wife of Alexander Eagle.
GILMORE -- May 27, at Drumcrowie, Malin, Co. Donegal, Thomas Charles Gilmore, M.D., M.C.H., aged 80 years. "Asleep in Jesus."
GILMORE -- May 25, at Tullywest, Mary, relict of the late Samuel Gilmore.
KENNEDY -- May 25, at his residence, Clement's Hill, Ballyclare, Samuel Kennedy, aged 74 years.
KENNEDY -- May 23, at his residence, Clement's Whitehead, Maggie, the beloved sister of William Kennedy, and fourth daughter of the late Isaac Kennedy.
KERR -- May 23, at Altivaddy, Carrickfergus, Mary Ann, relict of the late Samuel Kerr.
KERR -- May 26, Hugh, son of the late A. J. Kerr, Roselick, Portstewart.
MATCHETT -- May 1, at 26, King Edward Road, Bath, Thomas D. Matchett, B.A., eldest son of the late James H. Matchett, Banbridge.
MORROW -- May 23, at Crossan, Lisburn, Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Wm. and Martha Morrow.
M'ILVEEN -- May 24, at her father's residence, Lislunan, Kells, Ballymena, Annie, daughter of Adam M'Ilveen.
M'LAUGHLIN -- May 26, at 261, Donegall Road, Thomas M'Laughlin, Bootmaker (late of Coleraine).
ROBINSON -- May 23, at Tobercorn, Ballykilbeg, Hugh Robinson.
TAYLOR -- May 26, at The Grange, Portadown, Edward, the beloved husband of Ellen Taylor.
WALKER-REDMOND -- At The Cottage, Richhill, Armagh, Charlotte, aged 23 years, dearly-loved wife of Stanley Walker-Redmond.
WILSON -- May, 25, James, fourth son of late James Wilson, Killydressy, Portaferry.
In Memoriam
ROBINSON -- In loving memory of our dear daughter Lizzie, who was taken home on 31st May, 1915, and laid to rest in Killinchy Old Meeting-House Green.
"On earth she sought the Saviour's grace.
On earth she loved His name;
So now she sees His blessed face,
And stands before the Lamb."
Ever remembered. JOHN and LETITIA ROBINSON. Ballymacashin, Killinchy.
The Irish fruit crop promises to be the heaviest for years past, despite some damage done early in the season by frost.
The Admiralty announce that the Order restricting navigation in the North Channel (Irish Channel) is no longer in force, the area having been re-opened to traffic. Rathlin Sound is still closed.
The number of persons attacked by rabies in France has increased from 300 in 1913 to 1,388 in 1916, 1,543 in 1912, and 700 for the first five months of 1918.
Harry Lauder has completed an eight-months' tour in America, during which he raised about £36,000 for his own war fund, and greatly aided the U.S. Liberty War Loan.
The new postage rates, which come into force after midnight on June 2, affect inland letters, postcards, book packets, samples and parcels: and letters to British possessions generally and to the U.S.
The death is announced of Mrs. M. Gordon Cooke, aged eighty-seven, at her residence, Tannavalla House, Listowel. She was a noted benefactress of the poor. She was godmother of the late Lord Kitchener.
The "London Gazette" contains an Order to apply to Ireland from June 1 the Railway (Passenger Fares) Order authorising an increase of the ordinary passenger fares by 50 per cent., the same as on the railways in Great Britain.
Mr. Clynes, speaking at Manchester, said the Act to punish profiteers would be extended to people who were gluttons and got more than their share of coupons by fraud. He hoped supplies would soon allow rations to be increased.
Returns show that for the four months now completed there has been a decrease of 320 emigrants from Ireland, compared with the corresponding period last year. All the provinces contributed to the decrease, Ulster being the largest with 248.
The last act of the Turks before leaving Kirkuk was to blow up a Christian church which they had used as an ammunition dump. This shrine, though a mere shell, dates from the filth century, and is the only monument of historical interest Kirkuk possesses.
The death has taken place at Brooklyn, U.S.A., of Thos. Roulston, brother of Mr. Joseph Roulston, J.P., Gortaclare and Omagh. Deceased emigrated twenty-eight years ago, and founded a chain of grocery stores, which now number 238, in Brooklyn and Long Island.
The Marquis and Marchioness of Aberdeen have arrived at Liverpool. They have been in America almost three years, and during that time collected large sums of money through the States for the various social schemes in Ireland in which they were so deeply interested during their Viceroyalty.
Reuter's Agency is informed that the British Government has decided to open negotiations with the German Government, through Holland, for the purpose of extending the present arrangement for the repatriation and internment of prisoners, both civilian and combatant.
As a result of last Saturday's collection in aid of the Royal Victoria Hospital a sum of £1,126 has been received up till the present. This amount exceeds that of last year by £120, and it is expected that when the returns from all the districts are made up the amount will reach about £2,000.
President Wilson, addressing a joint session of Congress, asked for the immediate enactment of the new war tax laws, and eliminate politics. The people were not only united in the resolute purpose to win the war, but were ready and willing to bear any burden and undergo any necessary sacrifice.
Approximately 30 per cent, of the population of Spain, has caught a mysterious disease, which is steadily spreading through the Peninsula. King Alphonso is confined to bed, suffering, it is feared, from the new malady, The Prime Minister and Ministers of Finance, of Marine, of Education, and Under-Secretary of State, have also been attacked.
The Paper Restriction, (Prohibition of Returns Order of May 24, 1918, enacts that on and after June 24, 1918, no person will deliver to vendors newspapers, periodicals, &c, on the terms known as "sale or return," or on terms whereby rebate is made in respect of unsold copies, or otherwise than upon "terms of payment for all copies supplied."
The Duke of Connaught, in an address to the delegates at the close of the Inter-Allied Conference oh the after-care of disabled service men said also old days of neglect of the hero of the battlefield were past, never to return, and the Allies and Dominions stood together in the endeavour to repair and rebuild those who suffered in the mighty conflict.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer states that he looks forward confidently to the re-investment in War Bonds of a large part of the £50,000,000 to be paid in dividends on the Stock to-morrow, and urges that after that period the weekly subscriptions must be kept somewhere in the neighbourhood of £25,000,000 a week.
Mr. John Frame, who has died at Brooklands, Knock, was a son of the late Dr. Frame, who for many years had an extensive practice in Comber. In his younger days Mr. Frame was an active member of the North Down Cricket Club. In business circles he was well known as a director of the Wolfhill Spinning Co. He was a prominent member of the Ulster Reform Club.
A prize of £10,000 is announced by the "Daily Mail" for a competition of workers in the merchant shipbuilding yards of Great Britain and Ireland, employing at least 350 hands, founded on the percentage of time actually worked, according to the total possible working hours during the 32 weeks between June 3 next and Jan. 11, 1919. Of the prize money £2,500 is to be allotted to Ireland.
The work of the Ministry of Pensions was reviewed by Mr. J. Hodge in Parliament. Up to the end of April 341,025 (army and navy) men had been pensioned. The cost of pensions to the State last year was about £40,000,000. The expenditure of the Department last year was £23,000,000, and this year it was estimated at £41,500,000, but the increases caused by the new warrant came to £3,800,000.
A new world's record in rivetting was made at Harland & Wolff's, Belfast, by John Lowry, who put in 7,841 rivets in nine hours. The Lord Mayor witnessed a portion of the performance, and congratulated Lowry when he passed the record of 6,783, made, last week by William Smith, at Clydebank. The world's record for an hour has been made by John Moir at Messrs. Workman. Clark, & Co's yard, who drove in 1,115 rivets.
The King of Denmark, in opening the Rigsdag, mentioned that it was the first time that body had been elected in conformity with the new Constitution, which gives all citizens, women as weil as men, equal right to share in legislation. Denmark had happily maintained friendly relations with the belligerent nations, although difficulties and dangers were ever increasing for a neutral State. The Government would strictly continue their policy of impartial neutrality.
Mr. Prothero, Minister of Agriculture, states that the Government has decided to introduce legislation to enable allotment holders to return their land until the autumn of 1920 at least unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Board of Agriculture that the land is required at an earlier date for building, or other public purpose. In such circumstances allotment holders will receive compensation for the loss of crops.
The Belfast Town Clerk has received the Order, issued under D.O.R.A., suspending the Aberdeen Clause of the Belfast Tramways Act, which limited expenditure to income fares to 1d a mile for ordinary passengers and ½d a mile for workmen's cars. The new Order enables the Corporation to levy fares and charges irrespective of estimate or income, and the deficit, if any, can be put on the rates or other municipal fund. The Order was the outcome of the recent award of 12 per cent. wage increase to workmen.
Sir Auckland Geddes, Director of National Service, replying to Arthur Beecroft, of Ilford, who complained that men of forty-five were being forced to leave all they had to become soldiers at 1s 6d a day, while Sir Auckland, a younger man, remained in his London office, taking £10 a day, denied that he had £10 per diem, and stated that he was a private in the early days of the war at the rate of 1s a day, and is now in a civilian position, as he was unfit for further active service, as a result of injuries received by him in France.
Mr. William Thomas Braithwaite, of 14, Botanic Avenue, Belfast, who died 22nd Jan. last, aged seventy-two years, left personal estate in the United Kingdom valued at £28,038 19s 8d. The testator, after providing for certain annuities to relatives, left the residue of his estate (including the sums allocated for payment of the annuities) in equal shares to the City of Belfast Loyal Orange Widows' Fund, Lord Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Society in connection with the Loyal Orange Institution of Ireland, and the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund.
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