BALDERSTON. -- November 19, 1849, at sea, on board the "Nile," David Balderston, First Class Master, Glasgow.
BYRES. -- February 12, 1850, James Smyth Byres, Third Class Master, London, drowned on the wreck of the "Childe Harold," on Dassen Island.
CRAWFURD. -- The "Greyhound," of Madras sailed from Singapore for Hong Kong, August 23, 1849, and has not since been heard of; John Crawfurd, Second Class Master, London, being the Chief Mate thereof.
CRISP. -- December 27, 1848, at sea, on board the "Calphurnia," William Crisp, Second Class Master, London.
DALLY. -- February 2, 1850, at sea, on board the "Active," William Charles Dally, Third Class Master, London.
HOSEASON. -- February 1, 1850, at Falmouth, Jamaica, James Gilbert Hoseason, of the ship "Hopewell," First Class Master, London.
HOWES. -- October 26, 1849, Charles Howes, Second Class Master, London, was drowned, at the wreck of the "Cumberland," off Santiago.
LOCK. -- February 11, 1850, at Peckham, James White Lock, Third Class Master, London; late Chief Officer of the "Diana."
M'LEOD. -- August 5th, 1849, at Liverpool, John Stuart M'Leod, Second Class Mate, Liverpool; late Chief Officer of the "Anne."
ORD. -- November 23, 1849, at Calcutta, Robert Ord, First Class Master, Liverpool; late in command of the "Guisichan."
PEMBERTON -- July 18, 1849, at sea, on board the "Chieftain," John Pemberton, Second Class Master, London.
PRYNN. -- May 24, 1850, at London, Nathaniel Charles Prynn, Third Class Master, London, was accidentally killed by a horse and cart.
WILLIAMS. -- November, 1849, at Maulmain, Edwin Crouch Williams, Third Class Master, London, late in command of the "Sons of Commerce."
WILSON. -- February 27, 1850, at sea, on board the "Westminster," Alexander Dyce Wilson, Third Class Mate, London.
Honorary Rewards
(1) Beazley, Thomas George (pp.34,35) Received a Medal from the Hon. East India Company for his exertions in the battles of Meanee and Hydrabad, whilst in command of the Company's steam-vessel, "Nimrod," in 1843.
(2) Cass, John (p.37) A Silver Snuff-box was presented to him by the passengers of the barque, "Thetis," in October, 1845, "as a token of their regard and remembrance of his kind attention during the voyage to Calcutta."
(3) Wright, William (p.37) On landing the foreign emigrants at New York, from the "Katherine Stewart Forbes" in 1847, they presented to him a Piece of Plate, "as a token of their respect and esteem, and for his attention to them during the voyage from Antwerp."
(4) Jackson, George William (p.62) A handsome Silver Cup was presented to him for the judicious management displayed in rescuing 76 passengers from the "King William" which was wrecked about ten miles from Newcastle, New South Wales, and bears the following inscription:--
"Presented by the Cabin Passengers of "King William" Steamer to George William Jackson, Esq., Harbour Master at Newcastle, as a mark of their gratitude for the prompt and efficient assistance rendered them during the wreck of that vessel on the morning of the 2nd July, 1839."
(5) Brown, James (p.76) The Underwriters of Lloyd's presented him with a Gratuity of £100 for his meritorious conduct in saving the lives of the crew and passengers of the "Nautilus" steamer, which caught fire, July, 1847, on her passage from Alexandria to Liverpool.
(6) Hall, Alexander (p.86) On his return to England after the wreck of the hired transport vessel,"Briton" he received the following communication:--
Admiralty, 26th Oct. 1846.
"Sir, -- I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to express to you the sense which their lordships entertain of your exertions when the late transport, "Briton" was wrecked on the Andaman island; and I am to request your acceptance of a hundred guineas, as a mark of their approbation of your services.
"I am, Sir, your most obedient servant,"
"N. SHAW."
(7) Osborne, Edward Ebenezer (p.89) A handsome silver muff box was presented to him on March 9th, 1840, at Sydney, by his passengers to that port in the barque "Cumberland."
(8) Barclay, John Thomas (p.41) The Passengers of the "Duke of Bronte" presented a testimonial to Captain Barclay, on their arrival at Adelaide, in October, 1849, in which they publicly thanked him for his uniform kindness and attention to all, and his unbounded liberality to the sick. They also expressed their gratitude for his gentlemanly and manly deportment throughout, his unwearied assiduity for their comforts, and constant eye to the cleanliness of the ship; and last, but not least, for his gentlemanly and firm determination in putting down anything approaching to unpleasantness.
(9) Godfrey, John Bulwer (p.39) On arrival of the "Constance" at Adelaide, in November, 1849, after a passage of 77 days from Plymouth, Captain Godfrey was complimented by an invitation to a public dinner, and received the grateful thanks of his passengers for the ability and gentlemanly conduct displayed during the voyage.
(10) Winchester, John (p.106) "We, the undersigned merchants and other residents at this port, consider it an act of justice due to Captain John Winchester, of the British brig "Victoria" of Newcastle, who is about to return to England, thus to bear testimony to his exemplary prudence and praiseworthy conduct under circumstances the most trying to which he has been subject for more than two years by the detention of his vessel at this port. His steadiness, sobriety, and attention to the duties incumbent on him as a shipmaster have gained the applause of all who know him in this city, and would serve as a pattern to those connected with the profession, particularly in a country where, unfortunately, there are too many instances found of conduct very different to that pursued by Captain Winchester, for which we feel great pleasure in thus testifying cordially to the above facts, and sincerely trust that this deserving young man will have his distinguished merits duly appreciated in his native land; and that he may ever continue deserving the reputation he has gained on this coast, and be prosperous in all his undertakings hereafter."
Signed by Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, Lloyd's Agent, and several distinguished merchants and residents of Valparaiso.
Valparaiso, July 10, 1849.