Belfast Evening Telegraph - 19 November 1883


MacKNIGHT -- November 17, at 48 Canal Street, Newry, Mrs. John MacKnight, of a son.

WEBB -- November 16, at 8 Stewart Place, Holywood, the wife of Charles Webb, of a son.


BLACK--CLELAND -- November 14, at Kilmore Church, by the Rev. Charles Black, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rector, the Rev. Canon Creery, the Rev. Alured Elliot, youngest son of Colonel George Black, late Chief Constable of the County of Norfolk, to Annie, eldest daughter of the late James Cleland, Esq., J.P., Tobar Mhuire, Crossgar, Co. Down.

BRITTON--MAGILL -- November 15, in Donegall Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, by the Rev. William Johnston, D.D., assisted by the Rev. James Martin and the Rev. Charles K. Toland, John Britton, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., Hazlewood, Strabane, to Maggie Henry, eldest daughter of the Rev. George Magill, Belfast.


CUNNINGHAM -- November 18, at her father's residence, Malone Road, Belfast, Annie M. Cunningham, youngest daughter of James Cunningham, aged 19 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in Friar's Bush Burying-ground, to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. -- R.I.P.

CUNNINGHAM -- November 19, at Malone Road, Belfast, Elizabeth Cunningham, the beloved mother of James Cunningham, aged 104 years. Her remains will be removed from the above address for interment in Friar's Bush Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. -- R.I.P.

WHITEFORD -- November 18, at 9 Cavendish Terrace, Antrim Road, Belfast, after a protracted illness, borne with exemplary patience and Christian fortitude, James Henry Price Whiteford, aged 16 years. The remains of my dear son will be removed from the above address for interment in the family burying-ground, Ballynure, on to-morrow (Tuesday) morning, at the hour of ten o'clock, via Cavehill Road, arriving in Ballynure at one o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. -- No cards. JAMES WHITEFORD.

SHANNON -- November 18, at Suffolk, near Dunmurry, John Shannon, late of Armagh, aged 68 years. His remains will be removed from the above address for interment in the Borough Cemetery, on to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.

TIGHE -- November 18, at 64 Bridge End, Ballymacarrett, Belfast, Margaret, the beloved wife of James Tighe, late of R.I.C. Her remains will be removed from the above address for interment in the Borough Cemetery, on to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon, at half-past two o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. JAMES TIGHE.

CINNAMOND -- November 10, at 19 India Street, Belfast, Thomas Park, infant son of James Park Cinnamond, aged 3 months.

CRAIG -- November 17, at 73 Old Lodge Road, Belfast, John Craig, aged 69 years.

LEWIS -- November 18, at 131 Urney Street, Belfast, William, eldest son of Francis Lewis.

MAGEE -- November 18, at 27 Maria Street, Belfast, Ellen, second daughter of the late James Magee, aged 25 years.

PHILLIPS -- November 17, at 17 Dock Street, Belfast, Ann, relict of the late T. G. Phillips, Queen's Square.

WEIR -- November 18, at Dromore, Co. Down. Florence Emily, only daughter of Joseph Weir, aged 2 years and 4 months.

WEAVER -- November 19, at 176 Agnes Street, Belfast, Ann Weaver.

WOLSELEY -- November 17, at Lone Ash, Ballymena, George Raphael, youngest son of Wm. C. Wolseley, aged 7 Years.


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