Belfast Newsletter - Thursday, 4 February, 1926


Alexander -- February 1, at 23, Ravenswood Avenue, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, to the wife of S. M. Alexander (Norah Ferguson) -- a daughter, (both well).

Craig -- January 25, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Antrim -- a daughter.

Henderson -- January 29, at Bellevue, Holywood, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson -- a daughter.

Hewitt -- January 29, at St. John's Vicarage, Waterloo, Liverpool, to Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Hewitt -- a daughter.

Lowe -- February 2, at 16, Wilmont Terrace, Belfast, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lowe -- a daughter.


Acworth--M'Keown -- January 27, 1926, London, Angus Whiteford Acworth, only son of Dr. J. J. and Mrs. Acworth, of 2, Mansfield Street, W1, and Edna Ellen, only daughter of the late Mr. R. J. M'Keown, M.P., and Mrs. M'Keown, Cliff Lodge, Whitehead, Co. Antrim.

Davis--Campbell -- January 26. at St. James' Parish Church, by the Rev. P. W. N. Shirley, B.D. -- Alexander Davis, formerly of Glasgow, to Margaret Forbes, elder daughter of Mrs. Campbell, 52, Trevelyan Terrace, Belfast.

Hawthorne--Winter -- January 27, at Mullaghbrack Parish Church, Markethill, Co. Armagh, by Rev. H. F. O. Egerton, M.A., Rector of the Parish -- Cecil Robinson, youngest son of the late David Hawthorne, Rockcorry, Co. Monaghan, and Mrs. Hawthorne, 36, Ballymena Street, Belfast, to Grace Anna, third daughter of John and Mrs. Winter, Liscarroll, Co. Cork.


Clark -- Commander Roland Arbuthnot, O.B.E., R.N., at Chatham, on 1st February, of illness contracted during the war, youngest son of Colonel J. Jackson Clark, of Largantogher, Maghera, His Majesty's Lieutenant for Co. Londonderry. Funeral Maghera Church to-day (Thursday), at 12-30.

Erskine -- February 2, 1926, at his residence, Ballynacoy, Glenavy, William Erskine. The remains of my beloved brother will be removed for interment in family burying-ground, Dundrod, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Deeply regretted. MARY ERSKINE.

Forbes -- January 16, at Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A., of pneumonia, Ernest Edgar, dearly-beloved husband of Constance, eldest daughter of Captain and Mrs. J. M'Kelvey, Kingsmere, Cliftonville Road, Belfast.

Forbes -- January 16. at Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A., of pneumonia, Ernest Edgar, third son of the late R. B. Forbes, C.E., Cloverhill, Carrickfergus, and Mrs. Forbes, 280, Skegoniel Avenue, Belfast.

Hillen -- February 3, 1926, at his residence, Maralin, Thomas Hillen. Funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 3 o'clock, to Maralin New Churchyard.

Hutchinson -- February 3, 1926, at her son's residence, Lisburn Street, Hillsborough, Margaret Jane, dearly beloved wife of John Hutchinson. Funeral to Loughaghery Presbyterian Churchyard to-morrow (Friday), the 5th inst, at 2 o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted. DAVID and ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON.

Leslie -- February 3, 1926, at a Nursing Home in Belfast, Robert J. Leslie, of Bangor. Funeral arrangements later.

Quee -- February 2, 1926, at his residence, 15, Princetown Road, Bangor, Charles Quee. Funeral private.

Reid -- February 3, 1926, Thomas, the dearly-beloved husband of Elizabeth Reid, 76, Castlereagh Road. His remains will be removed for interment in Dundonald Cemetery to-morrow (Friday), at 2 o'clock.

Thompson -- February 3, 1926, at her residence, 37, Deramore Avenue, Minnie, the dearly-beloved wife of J. J. Thompson. Funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 2-30 p.m., for internment in Knockbreda Cemetery.

Wylie -- February 3, 1926, at his residence, 4, Princess Terrace, Cregagh Road, John Wylie. His remains will be removed from the above address for interment in Knockbreda Churchyard to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, at 3 p.m. Deeply regretted by his Family.

In Memoriam

Dynes -- In loving memory of William J. Dynes, Greystones, Dungannon, who passed away on 4th of February, 1924. Inserted by his loving Wife and Family.

Johnston -- In loving memory of my dear wife, the beloved helpmate and partner of my life, who died as on this day two years ago. J. G. JOHNSTON, Brooklands.

Rangecroft -- In affectionate memory of our son, James Sylvester Rangecroft, who passed away on February 4th, 1924.


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